Hello all, we have a pretty hefty weekend update for you, but we need to talk. We know you enjoy reading this blog and all, and that's great, really, but we'd really like to have a Top-Ten edition and a T-shirt. And who wouldn't, right? Only problem is, you guys haven't been sending us your favorite Overheards, and quite frankly, it hurts. One of our editors is already teetering on the brink of madness, sobbing that no one likes him and threatening to jab a q-tip so far down his ear all he can hear is James Cotton and Cotton-Eyed Joe. So please, don't subject him to such sixth-grade square dancing depths, and just submit your top ten. See the entry T-Shirt Contest! for more details. However, what you guys heard this weekend was quite impressive:
No, but there was that funny dog on the cover of Doggystyle
Drunk architecture girl on party bus: "Who would you kick out of bed: Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles or...wait, Snoop Dog's not a cartoon character."
-The Beaux Arts Ball, overheard by ad'a
Definitely a serial killerGirl in Stall 1: I heard someone come in.
Girl in Stall 2: Really?
Girl in Stall 3: Yeah, I heard the door open.
Girl who came in the bathroom: RAAAAAWR [leaves]
-Goldwin Smith bathroom, 2:15 am, heard by anonymous
Hot Girl on Girl Action!
Girl: "Can I ... feel your thing?" [advances upon other girl]
-Goldwin Smith, 3 am, heard by anonymous
No, silly, she was drunk before the shrubbery came into the picture
Incredulous girl: "you got drunk in a bush!!!!!!??"
-Quarry St., heard by lj
I have to admit, I'm kinda impressed
Guy on porch: "My cock has touched everything in this house!"
-East Seneca, heard by K
I'd drive, but daddy took away the beamer after the third DUISorostitute #1: Does this bus like go to RPU just on weekdays?
Sorostitute #2 (seated next to #1): Umm...I don't really know.
#1: 'Cuz like, I think it does, but then someone told me it goes on weekends too.
#2: Really? I thought it was just weekdays.
#1: Yeah, that's like weird...conflicting evidence or whatever you call it.
#2: I hope it goes there on weekends, 'cuz it would like suck to walk there.
#1: Yeah, no kidding, that would like totally suck. I hope it's going there.
#2: It would be stupid though if it went just on weekends though, right?
#1: Yeah...it's not like the buses are just for school.
#2: But there is no school in RPU anyway...well like, nothing but writing seminars.
#1: Yeah, but still, it would be so much better if it goes everyday.
Exasperated stranger: This bus stops at RPU on weekdays and weekends.
-- 25 second pause --
Sorostitute #3: Do you guys know if this bus stops at RPU on weekends?
-TCat Bus, heard by Scott
Oh gosh
Guy: So, I've determined that I definitely have an addiction to amphetamines
Girl: Oh?
Guy: Ha, yeah I woke up this morning and was sweating and shivering....but then I just took an Adderall and I was fine!
-Baker 200, heard by Methyl Grignard
Thankfully, it never strikes twice
Worker 1: When I load that thing [dish machine] I never stop.
Worker 2: Yeah man, Never stop.
Worker 1: I'm like lightning.
Worker 2: Lightning stops, dude. It's just really fast.
Worker 1: Well you fuckin' wise ass, I guess I'm like lightning that never stops. Go get me a doughnut.
-RPU Dishroom, heard by bs
Dont pull any punchesDude on cell: You screw everything up you are worst social planner ever, and your hallmate smells very weird!! [pause] Pregame starts at 5
-North, heard by lj
They're like snowflakes, really
Girl on cellphone: Yeah.. did you know that there are different kinds of
-HILC parking lot, heard by marz
The key to this one is that on screen someone is performing CPR
Heavily accented loudmouth: She gives the heimlich movement!
-Pyramid Mall Movies, heard by Cinema xenophobe
Phew! Alright everyone, keep up the good work.
And please submit your top ten!