Sick of the overwhelming stupid smacking you in the ear every day at Cornell University? Send us the hilarious, stupid or just out there things you hear, when and where you heard them, and by who (no names, just generic description) and we'll publish them. Either post it as a comment or send it to Good luck, and happy hearing

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

April is the cruelest month

Snow? Seriously? I gotta get the fuck outta this town.

Dude, what we shared was beautiful

Bro: No, last night was totally awesome and not gay also.

-ho plaza, heard by rv

Sing it with me: That's what friends are for

Sorostitute yelling at friend: I can see the marks on your butt from over here!

-north campus, heard by yix

And you know these fuckers have cars on campus

Freshman Ho 1: But..are you like...good at drunk driving?
Freshman Ho 2: Oh yeah...I'm like...SOOOO good! I've been drunk driving like, since I got my license

-the 81, heard by newm

That's all for today folks. Submit. And also, fuck this weather.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Physics Major 1: Hey, I think this homework is going to be kind of fun.
Physics Major 2: Do you think the prelim will be fun, too, ya jackass?

1:28 PM


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