Resolved! And new overheard!
Good news: Sunday night I talked to the Sun's managing editor, Michael Morisy, about this whole conflagration. We're not exaclty sure what the extent of the solution is going to be, but the end result is certainly going to be positive, at the very least being the referencing of our site in the Sun, but in all likelihood, involving some sort of RSS feed through the sun and some more involved, well, involvement.
Thanks to all who wrote in support, its great to know there are so many of you out there. Thanks for reading and being loyal, we can finally get back to the business at hand: questioning the sanity of the average Cornellian.
Without further ado:
Clearly not a doctor
Guy on cell: I don't know man, I can't see how much you're bleeding so I can't help you there.
-collegetown, heard by the kgb
Finally, freshmen sounding intelligent
Girl 1: Shit.
Girl 2: Precisely.
Girl 1: Shit.
Girl 2: Punch!
-balch arch, heard by anonymous
Finally, freshmen sounding motivated
Guy 1 [talking about the lowrises]: We have a big screen TV but it sucks balls.
Guy 2: What? We only have a little TV.
Guy 1: Yeah, it sucks balls. The remote is, like, chained to the TV, so you can't even change channels from your seat! You actually have to get up to change the channel.
-tcat, heard by notquitethatlazy
Thanks again folks. Truth reigns supreme.
-the ear
Ok everyone, so if you look to the last entry, we removed the name of a sorority from the post because we received a very polite request from a reader. However, we later received a slightly punchier request from the president of said (unsaid) sorority. If we had only received that one, well, we would've been much less likely to remove the name. Listen folks, we're just people here, and if you send us confrontational message we're gonna respond in kind. The anonymity of the internet goes two ways, my dearies. I guess all I'm asking is please, just be polite. Why bum everyone out? We're just trying to have fun on this fabulous interweb.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox, pedestal, and rocker.
1:04 AM
You could at least spell his name right... sheesh.
10:48 PM
Haha, oops. Sorry for the typo all.
11:47 PM
michael morisy wrote that
6:49 PM
This was heard in the month of August 2 summers ago when it was between 85-90 degrees out. A young student by Lynah rink seeing the large snow pile left by the Zamboni
" WOW I heard it snows here but man it's only August"....
I did all I could not to laugh in her face...
2:04 PM
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